delegates at FutureSeed - follow your intuition

3 Reasons to Trust your Creative Intuition

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Sometimes you have to let an idea guide you. It may not seem rational or even attainable, but if it nags at you and keeps shining a light in your face, it deserves attention. Trust your Intuition.

Just over six months ago, I shared on social media that I was going to create something that involved small businesses and caused a positive change. I said I didn’t know exactly what it would be but to ‘watch this space’. I felt excited about it even though I really had no idea of what I would create at that point.

It did seem a little irrational to announce something when I hardly knew what I was talking about. But the irrationality was actually the point…

…little by little, trusting my Intuition and inspiration, I began to design an event that would support freelancers and small business owners in shaping their 2020. I called it ‘FutureSeed’, a term I had often used in my coaching book and programmes to describe the initial guiding spark of a powerful new idea.



Small businesses helping small businesses

On Friday 10th January 2020, over 35 people gathered together at the first FutureSeed event. The intention was to inspire and empower the delegates and to raise money for small businesses via, who manage ‘loans that change lives’.

Kiva explains on their website that, ‘More than 1.7 billion people around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive’.

I discovered the date I had chosen for the event was a lunar eclipse, apparently a good omen. It was also the day before the International Vision Board Day. I loved that there was even such a thing (!) and it was another excellent sign since Vision boarding was a key item on the menu for the event.


Kate Wolf at FutureSeed - your intuition


We did it!

The day was a delight. We envisioned 2020 and beyond, capturing our inner movies with vision boards, set goals, created and innovated. Working from a central theme of Generosity, with the help of Guest Speakers and Workshop Leaders, we also explored self-care and self-love, the power of story and archetypes.

The Guest Speakers and Workshop Leaders provided over £1,700 worth of raffle prizes. Best of all we raised £1,078 for My creative Intuition had guided me well.

Mel_Augustina_Simi at FutureSeed - follow your intuition

3 Reasons to Trust your Creative Intuition

Do you always rely on your rational mind? Have a go at listening to another part of yourself for a change:

  1. Creative Intuition expands you, fear shrinks you. Sometimes when your fear tries to take over it shows up as a voice that whispers slyly in your ear, ‘Are you suuure this is going to work out?’, “Can you really handle this?’.
  2. All of my best experiences and outcomes have sprung from trusting my inner voice. Creative Intuition leads you to a new place of adventure. 
  3. Creative Intuition is often under-used in business. It’s a valuable secret sauce that’s equal in power to rational strategy and tactics, sometimes more-so. 

Give it a try, tune in to your Intuition: dance, exercise, meditation, creative activities. Or even a change of habit can help bring your inner gold up to the surface. 


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