Take action - Be Courageous

5 Reasons to take Action on stuff you normally Avoid

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Jane’s story

Some decades ago I used to co-run markets for designer-makers. Over one weekend we would have many hundreds of visitors especially in the run-up to Christmas time. At one event I remember seeing ‘Jane’, one of the makers just sitting at her stall, looking a bit withdrawn. I decided to have a chat to see what was up, I obviously didn’t want our stall-holders to be unhappy, (and it’s not a good look for the customers!).

It transpired that she felt demotivated because she hadn’t sold any of her lovely hand-made jewellery that day and generally wasn’t selling them at all. It was crystal-clear to me why she wasn’t making sales but she couldn’t see it.

So I gently pointed out that she was sitting there with her head down, looking a bit miserable. She wasn’t even making eye contact with the visitors let alone saying a warm hello or engaging them in some light no-pressure conversation.

Luckily Jane was open to my feedback and willing to take on some new suggestions. She started to take action, starting with actually putting on one of her own necklaces and wearing it with pride. Within the hour her wares were selling like hotcakes and her smile shone like her gemstones.

There are many success factors I could pull out from that little tale but what I want to focus on today is taking action. While some products do almost ‘sell themselves’, for most of us, making our business a success needs to be an active thing.

Are you a planner or a doer?

Both planning and doing are essential to small business success and we need a balance of the two. If you spend all your time planning you’ll miss out on the essential benefits of getting into action.

I know that sounds super obvious on paper but many of us freelancers and small business owners are even right at this moment delaying taking certain new and important actions.


Delay feels more comfortable

We never admit to ourselves that we are putting the brakes on of course. Instead, we will think and say stuff like, ‘I just need to tweak my website design again before I go live’ or ‘I can’t find the right photographer to do my brand shots’.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. I have been that person and I am still that person sometimes. It can feel really scary to put yourself and your new thing out there.

What if someone attacks you on twitter? Or what if everyone ignores you? (…and which outcome would be worse?!)

However, the gold is in the action, my friends. If you need a nudge these quick tips will guide you back into taking your next action step:

Taking action - implement

5 things you get from taking action

1. You take your theory into the real world

Plans can look perfect on paper but nothing beats taking action and seeing what sticks. It can be a big or small action but once you’ve made your plan, it’s time to go to the next level: make that phone call, press send, open your mouth, make that presentation, set up that photoshoot, hire that venue, make your campaign go live.

2. You get useful feedback about your offer (even if it’s a NO)
So once you’ve taken action, you will get feedback. Depending on your business it might be immediate or delayed. Sometimes the feedback you get is…zero feedback, that unwelcome silence that says you are being noticed and ignored or… not noticed at all. Even if it feels uncomfortable, it’s highly useful feedback because now you can work out what to improve or develop in which area.

3. You find out what to prioritise
Once you have feedback you then know what to focus on and prioritise. Yes, it may be uncomfortable to realise, ‘ok no-one is looking at my social media posts or adverts’. Or to see, ‘wow, my sales conversations really suck’ but now at least you know what you need to learn next. That’s way more valuable than an untested ‘perfect plan’. Jane’s mental plan had probably said something like ‘If I make beautiful things, people will buy them at live events’. But by taking action Jane quickly learned she now needed to turn her focus to become better at selling.

4. You grow your confidence
By taking action you become empowered. Instead of obeying the scared part of you, you are paying attention to the strong part of you that is willing to get out there and go for it. Why should fear take all the fun? Jane was open and brave enough to try something new. I would argue that even if she hadn’t made any sales, she would still have had a better day just by being willing to be active in her own success.

5. You are one step closer to success
Every time you take action you get all of the above goodies and it all takes you closer to success. So even when it feels like the outcome is a total failure you have still tested your theory in reality, gained feedback, worked out what to focus on next and overcome your fears. That’s a lot of good stuff to carry in your kit-bag.

So, what actions have you been avoiding? Where could you be brave and take action? Go for it!

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