Two forests and the myth of the future blog article

Two Forests & the Myth of The Future

Mel LarsenArticle Leave a Comment

Two Forests

Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get

And Forest Shakley said “The best way to predict the future is to create it

Which one is right?

Well they both are. Life does throw us all kinds of curve-balls, but guess what? We can still have some say in how our life goes.


We have a say because we are gifted with the ability to choose. Sometimes we may have more choice than others but we always have some choice. Even if that choice is about the type of mindset we are going to take on in the most challenging of circumstances. Recognising that we have a choice is a very powerful thing to do.

January is a naturally great time to think ahead. It’s also a great time to make choices. Just as every day when we wake up we can decide its going to be a great day, every year we can decide to do the same.

The Myth of the Future

The other great gift of Life is that the future hasn’t happened yet.

Where is this “future” we talk of? The future is an idea, a concept located in your imagination. And the good news is… your imagination is limitless! (if you don’t believe me, try making a note of some of the dreams you have when you are asleep).

So take conscious ownership of your future (the alternative is to end up with a future created out of unconscious habit).

Focus your imagination

Having a Vision of how your future could be is super powerful.

When I was child I used to look at the atlas and wonder what all those countries were like and wish I could travel there. I also used to dream of owning my own business, (yes, even at 6 years old!). Then as a young woman I dreamed of meeting my ideal husband. Little by little those dreams came true.

Envisaging your future is another powerful capacity we all have access to. Many successful people use visioning techniques including my coachees, and it’s fun and easy to do.

Fresh Start

If 2014 was a tough year or you made mistakes, don’t give up! You can ALWAYS make a fresh start.

Remember your ability to imagine what your future could be is actually one of your greatest assets. Followed of course by taking action. More about that later.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin”Mother Theresa

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