I’ve listed some common challenges along with a few quick tips to remind you that these blocks are just temporary speed-bumps on your way…
Perfect Preparation? 7 Things I’ve learned from Working Abroad
If you’re planning to share your skills and services abroad, here are 7 practical tips to help you make the best of your trip
5 Reasons to take Action on stuff you normally Avoid
Jane’s story Some decades ago I used to co-run markets for designer-makers. Over one weekend we would have many hundreds of visitors especially in the run-up to Christmas time. At one event I remember seeing ‘Jane’, one of the makers just sitting at her stall, looking a bit withdrawn. I decided to have a chat to see what was up, …
Are old memories holding you back in your business?
A few summers ago on a hot day, I walked across it wearing sandals… Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my toe… I had already created a negative goal.
How to get Results from Joy and Trust
As a child, I went to some pretty strict schools. I remember one that had a giant chain in the playground that separated the boys from the girls! Why it was there I have no idea, but that was just one of the many rules we had to obey. I love learning and I’m grateful for the gift of education …
Could your small business change the world?
Do you see your business as something that makes a big difference to the world?
How to Disrupt the Habits that Delay your Dreams
Top Tips for Disrupting Habits that Delay your Dreams. Even if you take just one tiny step in a different direction, it can make a difference.
How to find out if your Flow is blocked (and what to do about it)
I love working with metaphors and imagery when working with clients (and they do too once they realize how powerful it is to discover the language of their own subconscious mind). I’ve heard many metaphors when it comes to explaining our belief systems. Today I’m going to use the idea of a plumbing system to explore what is stopping you …
6 Things I learned when my Big Dream finally came true
Every year I create a Vision Board for the year ahead. It’s something I love doing. The image above shows my vision collage for 2019 and I feel good every single time I look at it. Last year was a fantastic year for me as several of my big dreams came true: I did a speaker/trainer tour across five cities …
5 ways to let go of People Pleasing
In hurry? Top Tips here “NO! No F**cking way! Why should I do it your way? I don’t want to. It doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel right. This is what I want. This is what my heart tells me that I want. This is my path. I choose this way…I am not here for you. This is my life” …