Ever experienced any of these situations? someone that you thought would support you, betrayed you so hard it took your breath away you gave it everything in a sales conversation and they still said, “no we don’t want it” you were blanked by someone at a networking meeting your social media post was ignored, criticized or ridiculed Rejection. OUCH! It …
How A Virtual Assistant Changed My Life
This is a long one so if you want to jump ahead use these links Top Tips: How to find out if you need a Virtual Assistant The Interview: Let’s hear it from the Virtual Assistants themselves The Interview: What does a Virtual Assistant actually do? For those of you reading this thinking, what the heck is a Virtual Assistant …
6 times I nearly ran away with FEAR…
One of the biggest blocks we encounter as small business owners is fear. Not many of us want to face it or even realise it’s there in us. Instead our fear shows up as procrastination, avoidance activities, boredom, confusion and even arrogance. If this is you, trust me, you can manage it and deal with it. You are not alone. Let me …
The Magic within your Networks
Flashback! I was feeling stuck. My mission was to secure new UK customers for my client in Sweden within a few months. The problem was I had zero contacts and the product was not favoured in the UK. I had limited time available to get a result and no idea where to start. Why oh why had I agreed to take on this mammoth task? I now had to rise to the challenge or admit defeat…
Growth, Love and Vulnerability – what I learned from my Summer Reading
So I gave myself an annual gift of taking the whole of August off and I absolutely LOVED it. This is the third year I have decided not to work during August and this year I had a strong urge to read and learn as well as chill out.
Hold that Thought!
My coaching clients who are just starting out on their projects often have these questions racing around in their heads: Can I really do this? Is it realistic for me to do this? Is it too risky? These are sensible questions of course, but once all the background research is done and some plans are laid, if these questions are …
5 Reasons to create a powerful Vision for your Goals
Our imagination is a very powerful thing. How we think things will go can have a lot more impact on the results we get than we realize. It’s vital to take some time to pause and create in our mind’s eye what we really want. In fact, it goes beyond seeing through our mind’s eye, we also need to imagine …
Why I never work in August
It all started with this great video I saw on TED – below. It’s well worth a watch. It tells the story of a New York ad agency CEO who takes a year off every seven years.