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Hold that Thought!

Mel LarsenArticle Leave a Comment

My coaching clients who are just starting out on their projects often have these questions racing around in their heads:

Can I really do this?
Is it realistic for me to do this?
Is it too risky?

These are sensible questions of course, but once all the background research is done and some plans are laid, if these questions are still being asked, they usually mask what’s behind them: Limiting Beliefs, ways of thinking about yourself and the world that do nothing to support your growth.

What does it really mean to believe something can be achieved? To feel it in your bones that something is actually possible for you?

How much do you believe your goal is achievable? 100%? Anything less means some part of you is still doubting, still holding back, still wanting to stay in the comfort zone. Trying to achieve a goal while holding back is a sure recipe for hard work. That’s like looping one end of a long, thick rubber band to a post and the other end around your waist before entering a marathon.

Think about it. If something is feasible you will approach it in a very different way to something you only half-believe in.

Big goals can be challenging, scary and time-consuming. But avoiding taking action on your goal is actually harder and less interesting and exciting.

Yes, look to what other people have done, look to what you have achieved in the past but at the end of the day, none of us can predict the future. The only real way to find out if you can do it is…to do it, to get started and to give it your all.

None of the adventure that awaits you can start until you at least allow the thought that it could happen. Then come the actions and then the results.

Think you can go for your goal? Hold that thought.

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