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Keeping it Fresh and New

Mel LarsenArticle Leave a Comment

It’s here again: a freshly hatched New Year.

It’s the time of year when we naturally start to think about our important goals – I like to call them Dream Projects – all the things we haven’t got round to or that we gave up on last year.

I love the way our collective consciousness focuses on what could lie ahead for us as everyone talks about their New Year’s resolutions: it’s such a powerful shared wave of thought. Now is the best time to use that energy before many minds revert back to moaning and complaining again as the holiday season ends and they have to look life’s challenges squarely in the face.

To keep that creative committed energy flowing, here are my 6 Quick Tips for keeping 2016 fresh and new:

  1. If 2015 was a tough year or you made mistakes, don’t give up! You can ALWAYS make a fresh start.
  2. Don’t let the people around you scare you with their talk of scarcity: your ability to imagine what your future could be is actually one of your greatest assets.
  3. No-one really knows what’s going to happen in 2016, so choose! Make sure your vision for the year ahead is a positive one that you actively choose (as opposed to an unconscious, habitual way of thinking).
  4. Your new future starts right Now. Set some goals now that really inspire you.
  5. Take extra action. Develop a habit of doing something every week that takes you out of your comfort zone. If you do this enough, you’ll give yourself a fighting chance plus you are likely to find you are capable of much more than you thought.
  6. There’s always lots of forecasting at the start of a new year. Your own inner vision is your guiding star and your fuel for the journey – learn from others but trust yourself too.

Enjoy 2016!

If you want more tips – check out my ‘6 FREE and easy ways to keep your Vision alive’.

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